Find the Motivation to Write—Every Day

Can I ask you something? How often do you write? Raise your hand if you’re guilty of answering, “Not often enough,” to that question.

In the Age of Technology, it’s an easy trap for a writer to fall into. With so many demands on our attention and so many ways to while away the hours without doing anything productive, making time to write is often pushed to the wayside.

Now let me ask a different question: how often do you want to write?

Is there a big difference between how often you currently write and how often you’d like to write for? If so, what’s stopping you bridging the gap?

There are countless reasons why we don’t write as often as we want to. It could be:

1 | A lack of motivation. We’d rather just browse the internet or watch TV or read, because it’s easier than writing.

2 | Difficulty finding time to write. There are only so many hours in the day and there are a lot of things besides writing that need doing. Balancing regular writing time with our other responsibilities is hard.

3 | A lack of drive to keep up frequent writing. As anyone who’s done National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) will know, it’s one thing to write one day, but to keep that up, day after day, requires dedication and resolve. If you don’t have the drive to keep going, that resolve crumbles and your streak breaks.

One thing that makes NaNoWriMo easier is the community. Knowing that you’re writing alongside other writers, who are all going through the same thing as you, makes the challenge more bearable. You can talk to them, encourage and be encouraged, and use that camaraderie to drive you on. It gives you the boost you need to reach your target at the end of the month.

Now imagine that sense of community on a more stable basis. Imagine a challenge that requires the daily dedication of NaNoWriMo without the burnout of a large word count goal. Imagine being able to say that you write every day of the year, without fail, and that it’s easy.

Are you picturing it? If it looks appealing, then take the first step towards it and join...

The Write Chain Challenge

The aim of this challenge is simple: to make daily writing into a habit. More than that, it’s to make writing into something you can look forward to each and every day, not find excuses to wriggle out of.

If that strikes a chord with you, head on over to the Write Chain Challenge page, check out the rules and sign up yourself!

Then it’s over to you. Write your target each day, rise through the Write Chain ranks, and unlock all kinds of goodies in the process.

And best of all? You get to make the thing you love into a part of your everyday life. How awesome is that?

It all starts with Day 1.